East Marshian Chronicles

What's Next? Bryn Phillips, Community Organiser

Season 1 Episode 15

Community Organiser Bryn Phillips talks to Jack and Billy from the East Marshian Chronicles Podcast.

Bryn talks about bringing organisations together to build civic power - including here in Grimsby. He speaks of the important issue of where the money comes from in terms of a self-determining group of citizens. In particular, Bryn discusses crucial issues around power in community organising - "Power is at the heart of what we do" - and people coming together to determine their interests shared in common.

Intro music: Gymnopédie No. 1 by Erik Satie impromptu performance by Bryn Phillips

Interval music: 'Street Gang' by Ronnie Lane's Slim Chance from the album Ronnie Lane's Slim Chance (1975), written by (Lane, O'lochlainn, Steve Simpson.

 Outro music:  JERUSALEM by Paul Robeson (1939); Lyrics, William Blake (1804); Composed, Hubert Parry (1916); Contributor, Internet Archive.

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